Applications are open!
Educational Activity Providers
earthday365 is seeking proposals for Educational Activities many of which will be located in the “Youth Corner” at the St. Louis Earth Day Festival although this is not required. Activities will also be highlighted in the Festival Program, both printed and online. Because a good activity takes an extra amount of time and effort, these booths have reduced fees at or below non-profit fees.
We are looking for content-rich activities to inform, entertain and inspire festival attendees; exhibits or activities of substance that promote bigger-picture issues beyond your agency/organization; programming that will actively engage, rather than passively inform; and, with a focus on environmental, conservation, and sustainability topics.
We will have a special focus on science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) activities, as well as hands-on art activities. Educational Activity providers have the opportunity for exposure to a large audience that cares about sustainability issues for a discounted booth fee.

Past activities have included: a balance bike safety course, a mud kitchen, construct a mini rain garden, paddle a handmade wooden voyager canoe, and guided postcard writing to your legislators.

All applicants accepted to participate in the Festival as providers of Educational Activities agree to the general rules and regulations, as well as the following:
- All educational activity providers must submit an application for approval.
- Exhibitors may sell or promote products or services, only if the primary focus of the booth remains on the approved activity.
- Participation in educational activities offered must be free.
- Organizations are responsible for providing supplies needed for activities.
- Applicants are evaluated independently each year; approval in past years does not guarantee approval in future years.
Educational Activities require an application and approval process. Organizations must submit a short description of the proposed activity with learning objectives. Applications not accepted for the “Educational Activity” designation may register and participate as a regular exhibitor, and are welcome to provide activities within their booth.
Please Note: Every educational activity booth will be required to provide a $50 refundable cleaning deposit. This will be included in your invoice.