
Give in Good Company: Director kicks off campaign with personal pledge.

Today St. Louis Earth Day is embarking on its first-ever individual giving campaign. Over the past few years, we’ve had great success engaging partners from local businesses, governmental entities, professional organizations and the non-profit sector in support of our events and year-round programming – and we are very grateful for their generosity! Thanks to their support, we’ve doubled the number of full-time staff (from two to four!) and added critical part-time positions. This enhancement alone has exponentially increased the capacity of our organization and the impact our programs.

But there is still plenty of work to be done! And so, we are poised to tap into the generosity of St. Louisans to help fund the growth of our organization and sustain the great work we are already accomplishing. Will you join us?


Become a Friend of St. Louis Earth Day TODAY!

I deeply believe in our organization – I am continually impressed by the dedication of our staff, Board Members and volunteers, a strong indicator of organizations worthy of investment. As long as people feel engaged, valued, and believe in the work they are doing, they will continue to go above and beyond to contribute what they can: time, money, connections, skills, expertise, and all the other odds and ends that result in quality programming. Because I believe in this organization, I am kicking off the campaign with my pledge of $100 to the Friends of St. Louis Earth Day. Will you join me?

Director Cassandra Hage announces the first class of Earth Day Action Grant recipients on stage at the 2013 St. Louis Earth Day Festival.

Director Cassandra Hage announces the first class of Earth Day Action Grant recipients on stage at the 2013 St. Louis Earth Day Festival.

There are many other reasons why you’ll want to include St. Louis Earth Day in your annual giving – take your pick!

  • We have 25 years of good standing in the community.
  • Our work specifically focuses on the St. Louis region, with programs and services tailored to the needs of this community.
  • We value inclusivity, welcoming people and organizations of all types to work together for a sustainable future.
  • Kids love the Earth Day Festival, building positive memories that shape their learning and development as they become the next environmental stewards.
  • Environmental organizations and businesses can connect with a large and engaged crowd at the Earth Day Festival, providing connections with future volunteers, donors or customers.
  • Volunteers return year after year, looking forward to unique, hands-on, fun experiences.
  • We divert recyclables and compost from landfills: tons of it, literally. Over 250 tons this year alone!
  • Fewer events and restaurants use Styrofoam, because we’ve helped them ban it.
  • Our governance and financial management received an A+ from the Better Business Bureau (we know how to stretch a dollar!).

You are part of our vision for a future where everyday sustainability is real and permanent. Your support will make it a reality. As a member of our community, I know you are doing your part in so many ways. Help us magnify your impact by joining the Friends of St. Louis Earth Day through a financial contribution.

With your help, this contribution can grow into something more! Together, we can make a difference.

Thank you!

Cassandra Hage
Executive Director
St. Louis Earth Day


Become a Friend of St. Louis Earth Day TODAY!