ROG recognized for Environmental Leadership by waste industry.

ROGlogoCOLORwED-01IMG_5152At the 42nd annual conference of the Missouri Waste Control Coalition (MWCC), June 29 – July 1, St. Louis Earth Day received an award for Environmental Leadership, recognizing the exemplary work of its signature program – Recycling On the Go. Jeanette Reynolds, outgoing Programs and Communication Director, was there to receive the award from MWCC at Tan-Tar-A Resort in Lake of the Ozarks.

Missouri Waste Control Coalition (MWCC) is a 400-member not-for-profit organization which is concerned with environmental issues. The statewide organization is a coalition of citizens, businesses, consultants, regulators, and others concerned with the management and disposal of generated wastes and other environmental issues. Many members, however, work in the waste management field.

IMG_5156The award for Environmental Leadership recognizes organizations or individuals that have demonstrated exceptional leadership to achieve goals or launch innovative projects, while also successfully facilitating public/private partnerships.

With a focus on waste diversion, through their Recycling On the Go event-greening program, St. Louis Earth Day works with 80 events annually to institutionalize strategies for reducing, reusing, and recycling production and post-consumer waste. In 2013, 53 tons of material was kept out of area landfills, which included organics and cooking oil.

Unique to Recycling On the Go’s waste diversion services is their commitment to educating organizers, vendors, and other event stakeholders on the importance of recycling. Read more about the 2013 ROG season.