Grand Prize!

Weekend in
Historic Elsah


2nd Prize!

Weekend at
Possum Hollow


3rd Prize!

Overnight at
Union Station


With each ticket, you can win any getaway package!

$25 = 1 raffle ticket

$50 = 3 raffle tickets plus an earthday365 membership*

$100 = 7 raffle tickets plus an earthday365 membership*

Tickets will be drawn on April 23, 2021 at 2:30 pm.

We will draw the winners LIVE on Facebook.

Prize winners will be drawn in order – Grand Prize, 2nd Prize, 3rd Prize.

Read the Contest Rules

Member Alert

With your ticket purchase, you will receive 1 free ticket.

* If you are already a member, your bonus membership with raffle ticket purchase can be gifted to someone else!