Complete rain barrel systems available at a 40% discount!

RR Rainbarrel copyHave you been thinking about harvesting rainwater for the first time or upgrading your current rain barrel? Now is the time to save on a complete rain barrel system!

The St. Louis Rain Barrel Truckload Sale will be held on Saturday, July 27, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Weekends Only Furniture Outlet parking lot (6303 S. Lindbergh Blvd St. Louis) and Sunday, July 28 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Weekends Only Furniture Outlet parking lot (14205 Manchester, Manchester).

A time tested gardening technique, rain barrels are popular among even novice gardeners. Just one-quarter inch of rain on a 400 sq foot roof space is enough to fill an entire rain barrel. Like fresh vegetables from the garden, rainwater is unprocessed. According to the American Rainwater Catchment Association, rainwater is preferable to treated drinking water for use on plants. Unprocessed rainwater is low in sodium and chloramine and is fluoride free.

Collected for non-potable use, rainwater is a free resource that has not only been underutilized, but would otherwise contribute to pollution and erosion in local waterways. Last year’s drought was a stark reminder about the importance of conserving water. As a community, when more individuals harvest rainwater, we save enormous amounts of energy used to pump water. Conserving water also preserves the longevity of wells and aging infrastructure.

The complete rain barrel systems available for at the truckload sale feature:

  • Re-purposed 60 gallon barrel available in four colors
  • RainReserve kit includes diverter made in the USA, high-flow spigot, 6’ of flexible connection tubing, installation manual and all the parts you need to complete your system.
  • RainReserve closed system design prevents mosquitoes, appropriately handles overflow and makes winterization a breeze.
  • Just $99.99 when pre-ordered online for truck-load sale. (Reg. $169.99)
  • Day of truck-load sale pricing: Only $109.99


With over 25,000 sold since 2007, the complete RainReserve system is easy to install and is hassle free. Best of all, by purchasing through the St. Louis one-time truckload sale, you don’t pay for shipping.

Supplies are limited and pre-ordering online at saves an additional $10.

Thanks to RainReserve for sponsoring our July Newsletter! For information on how your company can sponsor a newsletter and receive a featured article, contact Cassandra at Content must be inline with our mission and values.