2015 Founders Day Celebration

Snacks provided by Schlafly

After the inaugural meeting of the new St. Louis Earth Day Advisory Council on Thursday, January 29, we celebrated Founders Day. In its second year, Founders Day commemorates 25 successive Earth Day Festivals in St. Louis, and brings together stakeholders from the long lineage of the organization. This year we welcomed nearly 100 people to our celebration.

Board members Marcia Whelan and Susan Zareh

Board members Marcia Whelan and Susan Zareh

Guests were treated to light appetizers and refreshing beverages courtesy of our host, Schlafly Bottleworks.

In addition to the snacks and camaraderie, guests were presented with the 2014 Annual Report and introduced to new staff members, Jen Myerscough and Laura Allers-Lowry. All St. Louis Earth Day staff and Board Members were honored to meet St. Louis Earth Day supporters from the past 25 years.

Executive Director Cassandra Hage

Executive Director Cassandra Hage

Executive Director Cassandra Hage highlighted accomplishments from 2014, such as the $6,000 worth of Earth Day Action Grants awarded to 5 different local organizations, and the huge growth in both the Recycling On the Go and the Green Dining Alliance programs. She also announced the formation of an endowment in 2014.

Laura shared some enhancements expected at the Festival this year, including free yoga (all day), a rock-climbing wall, and a performance by Jake’s Leg at the Earth Day Eve fundraiser, who, coincidentally, performed at the first St. Louis Earth Day Festival in 1989.

We were so happy to have so many St. Louis Earth Day supporters, young and old, come out to join us this year. We even had several on hand who attended the very first Festival in 1989.

St. Louis Earth Day supporters of all ages were on hand for Founders Day this year.

St. Louis Earth Day supporters of all ages attended Founders Day this year.

Some "founders" from 1990

Some “founders” from 1990 – Alex Bornstein & Bill Lowry

Board member Cindy Bambini and Tom Flood, Sustainability Manager for Schlafly.

Board member Cindy Bambini and Tom Flood, Sustainability Manager for Schlafly.









Click here to see more pictures from 2015 Founders Day!