Are you looking for a local electronics recycler?
Wondering what to do with your appliances and electronics that are no longer of any use to you? We know a place that you can trust to properly recycle “Anything with a cord!” And they will be at the St. Louis Earth Day Recycling Extravaganza on April 21, 2013 at St. Louis Community College at Forest Park!
Since 2003, the Midwest Recycling Center (MRC) has been working with the Jefferson County Solid Waste District to divert waste from their landfills. However, the MRC started in the appliance business in 1998. They specialized in the sales and service of new and reconditioned appliances and televisions. Watching the changes in technology over the years, and seeing the difficulty people were having in the disposal of old televisions, they knew something needed to be done. At the time, they had no solution. In 2002, they received a call from the county solid waste district. They wanted to know if they would be interested in collecting e-waste. The following year, MRC began recycling electronics.

You can recycle “Anything with a cord!” at the Recycling Extravaganza on April 21, 2013, AND every day of the year by visiting the Midwest Recycling Center.
Have you ever contemplated whether or not your items were properly recycled? Have you seen the CBS 60 Minute’s story on the horror of what can happen to recycling that is shipped off to foreign countries? Now, you don’t have to worry, at MRC, they certify that they will be recycled properly. Upon request, they will even give you a certificate that it is done properly. MRC Recycling is one of the few recyclers in the state of Missouri that have achieved both R2 National, and Level 4 State certifications.
MRC been audited for process and management of material. End markets have been audited to prove that all material is going where it should (no overseas glass fields). We have an environmental management system, a written closure plan on file with the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, and financial assurance in place to pay a certified third party to clean up any material in the event that MRC Recycling should go bankrupt.
Normally when a recycler goes out of business they leave a huge mess consisting largely of monitors and leaded glass. If the Environmental Protection Agency or Department of Natural Resources find paperwork or asset tags of any entity, the financial responsibility to have the material properly recycled goes back to the producer of the material. It is great that MRC has a closure plan backed by financial assurance to keep this from happening.
It’s very reassuring that there is a place that will properly recycle many of the items we discard. And better yet, MRC will be collecting the following items at the Recycling Extravaganza on April 21 at the St. Louis Community College at Forest Park. They will be collecting Appliances – functioning & non-functioning, large & small; TVs/monitors (limit ONE per household); Computers & parts; Microwaves; Dishwashers; Refrigerators; Electronics, etc.; Rechargeable batteries; Extension cords & Holiday light strands; VHS tapes & Audio cassettes; Overflow computers and computer parts from MRC will go to St. Louis BWorks; Anything with a cord!