You’re invited to our Festival Evaluation Session.

Join us for complimentary refreshments and the chance to win some awesome prizes donated by Festival vendors at our Evaluation Session.

You are invited to join us Tuesday, April 30th from 4:30-6pm at Schlafly Bottleworks in Maplewood, as we celebrate the beginning of another year to make Earth Day every day and consider how we can improve upon special programming and logistics for the St. Louis Earth Day Festival. If you can’t join us for the entire session, please pop in for light refreshments, compliments of our host, and meet other members of our St. Louis Earth Day community.

Pick up a Festival shirt or hat if you forgot to last weekend.

Please R.S.V.P. online via Facebook, or email with “Evaluation” in the subject line.

There will be a raffle and door prizes, and Festival merchandise will be on sale. Check out possible prizes:

For additional chances to win, please fill out our online survey: