A Public Statement of earthday365 Values

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On March 7, 2025, earthday365 received notice that our Environmental Justice Outreach Coordinator position—a one-year service contract—would be permanently discontinued due to the federal termination of the EPA and AmeriCorps’ Green VISTA Corps program. This initiative was designed to combat environmental injustice in underfunded and marginalized communities across the U.S. We are deeply saddened that our time with Nia, who worked passionately to expand our impact in North County and North City, was ended several months early.

This abrupt loss is not just about one position — it reflects a broader shift. Terms like “climate change,” “environmental justice,” and “DEI” are being challenged on the national political stage, and the effects are already being felt by organizations and communities here in St. Louis. Now more than ever, we find it crucial to unequivocally declare our continued commitment to our organizational mission and values.

  • We believe in our collective responsibility to advocate for and engage in climate action. Climate change is real and is primarily caused by the burning of fossil fuels.
  • We believe in our collective responsibility to advocate and engage in work for social and environmental justice. Environmental degradation and climate change hurt low-income and BIPOC communities first and most severely.
  • We believe that a productive, multicultural, multiracial society can only thrive with collective efforts toward equity rooted in reconciliation and justice.

Please join us in our work for climate change, environmental justice, and circular systems in partnership with local communities. We invite you to join others who share these commitments at the St. Louis Earth Day Festival April 26 & 27th, with a theme of “Climate Hope.” Let’s build a way forward, together.

Dr. Jess Watson, Executive Director
Dan Jay, President of the Board

2025 Festival