Job description: Marketing Intern

Intern will work primarily with Green Dining Alliance (GDA) program manager to communicate updates, restaurant news and events, sustainability news, and general information about the GDA. The GDA is a unique program of St. Louis Earth Day, a non-profit 501c3 organization located in the Tower Grove South neighborhood. Intern responsibilities will be geared toward social media and website marketing, improvements, and publication, including: blog and post content writing, adding hashtags, Twitter/Instagram postings, Green Dining Club publicity, website updates and cleanup, and other duties.


The Green Dining Alliance (GDA) is a restaurant sustainability certification program of St. Louis Earth Day, a 501c3 non-profit organization. The GDA works with restaurants to reduce their environmental impact by completing an on-site audit that evaluates all areas of operations, and setting personalized goals with each Member. We define a “green” restaurant by emphasizing: reducing, recycling, and composting restaurant waste; operating facilities with efficiency; and sourcing sustainable food, to-go ware, and cleaning supplies. The GDA operates throughout the St. Louis region with an emphasis on the City of St. Louis and St. Louis County.


Intern must possess writing skills – a writing sample may be requested. Social media experience is a must.  Website experience using WordPress preferred. Photography skills and restaurant experience is preferred.


Internship is a part time, unpaid position, but a golden opportunity to make important professional contacts and gain valuable experience at a leading sustainability non-profit organization in St. Louis. Qualified candidates can email their resume and cover letter to now through July 27, 2018.

For more information about Green Dining Alliance, go to:

Facebook/Twitter: @GreenDiningSTL

For more information about St. Louis Earth Day, go to:

Facebook: @realstlouisearthday

Twitter: @stlouisearthday