America Recycles Day Challenge Finalists & Winner

Thank you to the individuals and organizations who participated in America Recycles Day, and congratulations to our first ever America Recycles Day Challenge Finalists! After a long and grueling process, the staff of St. Louis Earth Day have selected four finalists. Now, it’s your task to vote for your favorite and ultimately decide who will be the recipient of our “Eco-Home” price package made possible by the following 2010 St. Louis Earth Day Festival vendors: Habitat for Humanity ReStore, Robinson’s Rain Barrels, Sappington Farmer’s Market, Healthcare Complete and Henry Holt & Co.


LAUREN FLANAGAN: "Recycling on Sunshine!" collage

…Winner of our first ever America Recycles Day Challenge! Her submission “Recycling on Sunshine” won by popular vote. Thank you to those who voted and congratulations again to our finalists!

Check out the finalist submissions below.

LOIS HERBERS SECHRIST: "I don't have a photo! However, here's what my family did this week for the America Recycles Challenge: 1. Donated books to our church (Trinity Presbyterian in University City) as part of a youth project to send 1,200 books to a Peace Corps volunteer from our congregation who is working in Lesotho, Africa 2. Cleaned out our basement and donated a dozen bags of clothes and household items to the St. Vincent de Paul thrift store 3. We recycle as much as we can on a daily basis as part of the University City single-stream recycling program 4. I serve as secretary of the University City Green Practices Committee, which supports the University City single-stream recycling program, among many other important efforts." (image by St. Louis Earth Day Program Manager)

MALLORY ESCHBACH: "Saint Louis County invites folks to celebrate America Recycles Day and the kickoff of the Holiday Recycling Season. Between Thanksgiving and New Year’s, trash increases by 25% per week! On Tuesday, Saint Louis County will be hosting an event for County employees and nearby residents to learn about smart purchasing for the holidays. Gifts made of recycled content will be displayed along with information for reducing waste during the holiday season. Visitors will be able to come and see how to give a gift to future generations by planning for recycling. Our very own 'Recycled Turkey' named Tom will be on display to represent all the additional recyclable items that are used during the holidays. The first steps before recycling are reducing and reusing and Tom is made from reusing food packaging and containers! Happy America Recycles Day!"

KATE EWING: “Don’t buy a new pet–recycle someone else’s. Adopt from a shelter!”

LAUREN FLANAGAN: "Recycling on Sunshine! ...Who knows what you will find on your way to the recycle bins!" (Lauren also submitted a sweet collage, which you can view from our Facebook page)