Digital Volunteerism

We are grateful for the many ways our supporters and volunteers help throughout the year. We will never turn down someone wishing to volunteer at a waste sorting station at an event, or host a “dine out” for the Green Dining Alliance, but are asking now for your help, using the tools at your fingertips, to spread the word about all of the great work we do throughout the year!

Part of the mission of earthday365 is to engage–with individuals, facebook-screenshotbusinesses, governments, schools, and the non-profit sector to which we also belong. We don’t have a fancy budget for advertising, mailing solicitations to potential donors, or PAYING Facebook to allow our posts to be seen by the very individuals who’ve “liked” or “followed” our page. Of the approximately 3500 Facebook users who have “liked” our page, roughly:

  • 50-100 see an update from us if we share a link to an event or opportunity in which we think our followers would like to participate.
  • 120-300 see a picture we post.
  • 75-100 see an informational post with no picture or link.

We send out a whopping 1 newsletter per month, so you know you are only getting timely and relevant communication from us regularly. We post links to the newsletter on social media as well, in order to reach those who’ve not yet signed up to receive our newsletter via email.

Rather than paying for advertising, we’d prefer to invest in our programs (Green Dining Alliance, Recycling On the Go, St. Louis Earth Day Festival, and Environmental Justice Days of Action), and NOT pay Facebook to allow our posts to be seen, or purchase mailing lists, or print and mail fancy solicitations…

There are alternate ways for our supporters to help us stay true to our mission of engaging with the public.

Here is how you can volunteer:

  • Forward our newsletters to everyone you know who might be interested in our work, and encourage them to sign up to receive the newsletter themselves.
  • Engage with us on Facebook and other social media. “Like,” “Share,” comment on, and “Re-tweet” our posts. The greater the engagement, the wider the reach for our messages.
  • In general, let others know you support earthday365, and tell them WHY!
  • Encourage your friends to invest in our work with a small (or large!) donation during the giving season.

If you are interested in advancing the mission of earthday365 in this way, contact