Earth Day Action Grant recipient making a difference

Mallinckrodt Academy’s school garden was one of the distinguished recipients of a 2015 Earth Day Action Grant. They were awarded a grant to create a resource library to supplement their school garden to be used for experiential learning. These books and other resources will be available for check out and will be utilized in an after school book club.

We love hearing stories from our grant recipients, so when we came across a blog post written by a parent at Mallinckrodt Academy, we had to give them the spotlight! Amanda Doyle chronicles her own (dis)involvement with the school garden, from when her son began at Mallinckrodt in 2011 to her recent appreciation for all the garden represents to the school community. Doyle sees the school garden as everything from an outdoor classroom, to a gathering space enriching the parent-teacher-student-family community connection at the school.

Read the blog post by Amanda Doyle on the Gateway Greening website.

Mal garden appleMal garden benchMal garden carrot





Would you like to support projects such as this? Invest in St. Louis Earth Day so we may enable other great schools and organizations in the St. Louis area to “take action” on environmental issues.