Ways to win amazing prizes from Festival vendors!

Our incredible Earth Day vendors and exhibitors have donated generously, resulting in some wonderful Earth Day prize packages that you can win by taking our Event Survey or attending our Festival Evaluation Session.

Also, if you were a volunteer — attend the Volunteer Party (details forthcoming) to win prizes!

SURVEY ENTRY: Tell us about your Festival experience and you are entered to win a prize package:

  2. Enter your email address.
  3. WIN!

One or more email addresses will be selected at random to receive a yet-to-be determined prize package.

RAFFLE: Festival Evaluation Session – Raffle, Silent Auction & Door Prizes
April 30th at the Schlafly Bottleworks, 4:30pm – 6pm
Free & open to the public! Drinks and Snacks provided, compliments of our host! 


Painting by Mark Swain.

PRIZES: Winnable prizes include…

(GC = Gift Certificate)

VOLUNTEER PARTYRaffle, Silent Auction & Door Prizes
For registered Festival and Recycling Extravaganza volunteers only.