#EatGreenSTL Virtual Symposium

Celebrating the Local Food Movement

Join the Green Dining Alliance for day of programs geared towards sustainable practices related to food.

Session 1
GDA Workshop with our very own Victoria Donaldson
(Program Manager of the Green Dining Alliance)
A workshop to help restaurants and their customers understand the
impact they have through the production and consumption of food.

Session 2
Chef Talk and Cooking Demo with Michele Coen-Racanelli
(of The Dam and Michele C Catering)
Victoria Donaldson hosts a discussion regarding Michele’s work as
an owner and chef for The Dam and Michele C Catering. Following
their discussion, Michele will be presenting a cooking demonstration.

Session 3
Supporting Local Growers – A Presentation with Jenn DeRose
(Program Manager of Known & Grown STL)
Learn about this program that vets and promotes
environmentally responsible farmers within 150 miles of St. Louis.

Session 4
Seeing Food – Short Film Screenings & Discussion with Victoria Donaldson,
Tosha Phonix (MO Coalition for the Environment) & Robert White III

Watch the recorded presentations below.

Grant Funded by

SWMD logo
MO DNR logo

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4
In case you missed the film screening and discussion or just want to re-watch the shorts from the #EatGreenSTL Virtual Symposium, here are the links to each film.
Planet Earth - Courtesy of NASAStory of Plastic