Feast in the Park

Bob in the hive

This week St. Louis Earth Day and Recycling On the Go were proud to join St. Louis County’s Parks Department in partnership with Feast Magazine at their summer food truck events, Feast in the Park. ROG will be providing composting and recycling services for the remainder of the scheduled food truck events in the series this year, which take place weekly at rotating St. Louis County Parks. The partnership was made possible by grants from St. Louis County Heath Department and St. Louis-Jefferson Solid Waste Management District.

From 5 to 8pm on specific evenings from June to September (see schedule), food trucks and musicians will gather at parks throughout St. Louis County to bring you a variety of great eats and tunes. ROG will be setting up waste sorting stations to educate attendees about recycling and composting, and working with the different food trucks to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills from these events.