2011 Festival Logo Design Contest

St. Louis Earth Day is looking for a design to be our 2011 Festival logo!

DEADLINE EXTENSION! Submit your design by Friday, February 18th for consideration!

Email a valid file version of your design to submission@stlouisearthday.org. Include the subject line: “Logo Contest”.

Please keep in mind the following rules and regulations before submitting:


  • Submissions must be inspired by and contain the slogan “Be the Change” (inspired by the Mahatma Gandhi quote “You must be the change you wish to see in the world”). An additional play may include the concept of “Change Agent”.
  • Artists may submit multiple designs, but they must be submitted as separate entries.
  • Contestants must be 18 years or older but those younger than 18 may have their design submitted by a teacher, parent or guardian.
  • Winner of the contest must be able and willing to make changes to the design, as directed by St. Louis Earth Day staff.


  • Submissions should contain no more than four (4) colors and be your original work using no stock clip art images. By submitting a design you are guaranteeing that you hold rights to everything in it, and that it does not contain any copyrighted material.
  • Submissions must be submitted in PDF, jpg, or gif format only.
  • Submissions may not exceed 5MB. We will ask the winner for a high resolution original file.


  • St. Louis Earth Day reserves the right to make any adjustments deemed necessary to the winning design.
  • St. Louis Earth Day will have all rights to the winning design. By submitting an entry, you agree that if your design wins, it can be used by St. Louis Earth Day on all Festival promotional materials, including the event t-shirt.
  • All submissions must be emailed with the following information to be considered eligible: Full Name, Address, Email, Phone Number, Date of Birth.
  • Winner of the logo design contest will receive a 2011 St. Louis Earth Day Festival t-shirt, a prize package with items donated by vendors of the Festival, and recognition on the St. Louis Earth Day website, facebook page, twitter and in the relevant marketing emails.
  • By submitting and entering the contest, you are agreeing to all contest rules and are attesting to the originality of your design.


  • Any submitted idea, documentation, photograph or design entered in this contest will remain the exclusive property of St. Louis Earth Day and Entrant agrees that St. Louis Earth Day shall have the perpetual, worldwide, irrevocable right to edit, publish and use these materials in any way and in any and all media now or hereafter known for trade, advertising, promotional and/or other purposes as St. Louis Earth Day may determine in its sole discretion without further consideration to Entrant or winner.
  • The Entrant agrees to assign all rights, title and interest into the submission, including copyright, to St. Louis Earth Day and waives his/her legal rights in the submission.


  • By submitting a design and accepting the contest prize, the winning Entrant permits St. Louis Earth Day to make public and otherwise use the winner’s name, biographical information, city of residence, and submitted work without further compensation in any media now known or hereafter developed for promotional and/or publicity purposes, unless prohibited by law.


  • Three to six finalists will be selected by committee vote, based on creativity, aesthetic and practical application.
  • One winner will be selected by popular vote through an online voting system for a week following the finalist announcement. Only unique votes are accepted (one vote per person).
  • Not only will the winning design be seen ALL OVER TOWN… on posters, on t-shirts, on the web, on postcards, etc. but the designer will receive a prize package filled with goodies from St. Louis Earth Day Festival vendors and exhibitors!

Email a valid file version of your design to submission@stlouisearthday.org. Include the subject line: “Logo Contest”.

DEADLINE EXTENSION! Submit your design by Friday, February 18th for consideration!

Help us spread the word.

Be part of our street team by downloading, printing and posting the poster advertising our Logo Design Contest . (Save on paper and forward the pdfs to your friends, family and co-workers!)

Download pdf:  Logo Design Contest

St. Louis - Jefferson Solid Waste Management District