Green Giving with earthday365 Staff

For some of us the thought of going shopping or the perceived obligation of gift-giving is overwhelming; but, we may still want to show our appreciation or share the festive spirit in some way. We’re happy to share the annual staff of earthday365 Green Giving Guide.

Recently, we sat down with Jessica, Bob, Janessa, Ben, Elizabeth, and Kathy to find out how they approach this consumer-heavy time of year.

Jessica, Executive Director
Is there a Favorite local store you like to shop at?

Liberated Roots Collection just opened on Jefferson, and I love their curated collection of clothes, jewelry and housewares, many upcycled or reused, and all from Black makers.

Is there a favorite charity you like to donate?
I love Seed St. Louis and A Red Circle. Both have great missions and passionate staff.

Is there a favorite home-made gift you like to make?
I forage for mushrooms, so I gift dried turkey tail (a medicinal mushroom) for my special friends, but it’s an acquired taste for sure!

Is there a favorite fair trade/organic/locally produced good you like to give?
Homemade soaps, fire cider, and elderberry syrup. For your quirkiest friend I would recommend Eerie Baby from a St. Louis artist. Too funny. 

What environmentally responsible gift would you like to receive this year?
Big, bold, upcycled earrings, which tend to be my signature. 

Bob, Program Director

Is there a favorite local store you like to shop at?
Forest and Meadow Herbal Shop and Clinic or Union Loafers

Is there a favorite charity you like to donate?
St. Louis Public Radio

Is there a favorite home-made gift you like to make?
Sourdough English Muffins

Is there a favorite fair trade/organic/locally produced good you like to give?
I hyper-locally produce positive energy to play with my nieces and nephews

What environmentally responsible gift would you like to receive this year?
Like my 9 year-old nephew said on his wish list: Love

Ben , Green Dining Alliance Program Manager

Is there a favorite local store you like to shop at?
City Greens

Is there a favorite charity you like to donate?

Is there a favorite home-made gift you like to make?
Homebrew Beer and Kombucha

Is there a favorite fair trade/organic/locally produced good you like to give?
Fair Trade Handmade Cards from Zee Bee Market

What environmentally responsible gift would you like to receive this year?

Janessa, Marketing and Communication Manager

Is there a favorite local store you like to shop at?
Mystic Valley or Profield Reserve

Is there a favorite charity you like to donate?
I support my sorority Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc. that does great work for women and the community and the March of Dimes.

Is there a favorite home-made gift you like to make?

I am an artist and I have my own brand, ColorTripz so a lot of times I give people something I made like paintings, paint kits, or t-shirts.

Is there a favorite fair trade/organic/locally produced good you like to give?
Shine in All Shades adult coloring book

What environmentally responsible gift would you like to receive this year?
 Lions Mane Mushroom grow kit

Elizabeth, Recycling On the Go Assistant Program Manager

Is there a favorite local store you like to shop at?
Garden District STL

Is there a favorite charity you like to donate?
Planned Parenthood and Action STL 

Is there a favorite home-made gift you like to make?
Simmer Pot Jars

Is there a favorite fair trade/organic/locally produced good you like to give?
Soaps from Bee Simple City Farm

What environmentally responsible gift would you like to receive this year?
Solar string lights

Kathy, Information Systems Support

Is there a favorite local store you like to shop at?
Local Harvest Grocery

Is there a favorite charity you like to donate?
Meds and Food for Kids and Missouri Coalition for the Environment (MCE)

Is there a favorite home-made gift you like to make?

Is there a favorite fair trade/organic/locally produced good you like to give?
Homemade soap and local honey

What environmentally responsible gift would you like to receive this year?
Anything secondhand or tickets to anything!


Recycling On the Go in Action