Volunteer Group Info Session

recycle guys

Volunteers at one of our signature Waste Stations.

Volunteers at one of our signature Waste Stations.

Thinking about gathering a group of your co-workers, church friends or youth group to volunteer?

Get information about opportunities for groups to volunteer at the St. Louis Earth Day Festival, and more about the registration process. No commitment necessary – all are welcome.

Monday, February 24
Grand Oak Hill Community Corporation*
4168 Juniata Street St. Louis, MO 63116

Each year, more than 200 people volunteer with groups or individually to help produce the 2nd largest Earth Day celebration in the country. It’s not only a fulfilling way to support the sustainability community in St. Louis, but it can provide a unique team-building opportunity for your group!

Get more information about volunteering as a group, and general details on volunteering at the St. Louis Earth Day Festival. Please RSVP to Kristen Yelton, volunteer coordinator via email, volunteer@stlouisearthday.org

* Enter the main community space on the ground floor from the glass doors at the corner of the building at Bent and Juniata.

Volunteers help set up on the Saturday before the Festival.

Volunteers help set up on the Saturday before the Festival.