Missouri Ballot Measures – August 5th

St. Louis Earth Day encourages practices which reduce the environmental impact of activities across the St. Louis region and within our state. Supporting our local food economy and supporting measures that reduce greenhouse gasses, especially those created by vehicular transportation, are ways in which we fulfill our mission.

Take a moment to learn more about the issues on the ballot so you may make an informed vote on August 5th. Voting on local issues is one of the best ways that you can influence policies that impact our environment and our ability to lead sustainable lives!

Thursday’s “St. Louis On the Air” on KWMU presented both sides of the proposed amendments the August 5th ballot. You can also read this editorial from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch for more information. Below you will find some additional information on the two issues that have social and environmental implications and position statements from local organizations that work on sustainability within these areas (agriculture and transportation), as well as other resources.

vote-253x270Amendment 1 proposes changes to laws regarding farming practices in Missouri. Click here to read the proposed amendment. We urge you to research the implications of this Amendment as you make your voting decision; we’ve provided some resources below:


Proposed Amendment 7 would increase state sales tax to fund transportation projects. Click here to read the proposed amendment. The following organizations are local examples of those working toward sustainable transportation options who have published positions on the amendment: