Our 13th annual Symposium tackled new topics in March.

On March 19th and 20th, St. Louis Earth Day held its 13th annual Symposium – “Climate Trends: Impacts and Adaptation.” The Earth Day Symposium provides a two-day training and networking program for local government staff and officials, and the professional planning community relating to current environmental challenges and opportunities. This year, national guests and expert panelists present on key issues surrounding national and regional climate trends, sustainability planning, stormwater management, and adaptation strategies for government and businesses in a changing environment.

A volunteer committee of St. Louis Earth Day Board Members, representatives from partner organizations and individuals passionate about sustainable planning meet throughout the year – discussing relevant topics, reviewing proposed sessions and inviting speakers. The 2014 Symposium is tentatively scheduled for April 2 – 3.

Download and view a pdf version of our 2013 Symposium Report via Google Drive: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B8zCdiVFQi48VTNtQS1jLUxObXM/edit?usp=sharing


Of the 175 who attended, 38% did so for the first time, with a majority having attended a previous Symposium. Of the first year attendees, 50% learned of the Symposium from the St. Louis Earth Day newsletter or website, and 50% heard about the event from a colleague. Eighty-five organizations were represented by speakers and attendees.

When asked about his/her motivation for attending the Symposium, the majority of participants attended to expand their knowledge (86%) and because of an interest in the subject (81%). Networking was also a key motivation for participation (71%). To support the St. Louis Earth Day organization (57%) was also important. The program is also an opportunity for professionals to earn Continuing Education Credits through ASCE, ASLA, AICP and APA.

You can review this year’s entire event program online or download a pdf version via Google Drive.

John Hoal of H3 Studio speaking at the Technical Workshop on Day 2.

Keynote Speakers

  • Jack Fishman, Ph.D. Professor of Meterology, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Science; Director, Center for Environmental Sciences, Saint Louis University
  • John Hoal, Ph.D., RA(SA), AICP, Principal, H3 Studio, Associate Professor & Chair of Urban Design Program, Washington University in St. Louis
  • John Posey, Director of Research, East-West Gateway Council of Government
  • Emily Seyller, Inform Decisions and Adaptation Science Program Associate, United States Global Change Research Program
  • Laurens van der Tak, PE, D.WRE, Vice President and Water Resources Engineer CH2M HILL

…read more about this year’s Keynote Speakers.