Reflections on the board presidency.
David Wilson is retiring as president of the St. Louis Earth Day board of directors and recently shared his reflections on the organization and his experience for our September 2011 newsletter. David has been involved with St. Louis Earth Day since the event was organized by a group of community organizers in the late 1980s. He will remain a member of the board, and will forever be a supporter of our organization and mission.
“I am stepping down as board president, but I am enthusiastic about remaining on the board of St. Louis Earth Day. We have such a great staff, who are actively carrying out the mission and vision of the organization, while maintaining a healthy fiscal and programmatic base. It is fun to attend meetings where financial reports are positive, and where reports on programs are exciting. I have believed for a long time that people in St. Louis need a place to celebrate our interconnectedness and to share their passion and programs with others who care about the quality of our environment and our communities. We invite the entire community to celebrate, share and learn each year at the Earth Day Festival in Forest Park. If we only organized a festival, I believe it would be enough to justify this organization and our efforts. But St. Louis Earth Day has blossomed to do so much more.

At our June 2011 board retreat. Pictured here: (top row) Kevin, Tracey, Chris, Greg, Traci, Fred (front row) Laura, David, Jane, Cindy
“St. Louis Earth Day has been successful in bringing environmental professionals together to address local issues, and we are now planning our 12th annual symposium for April 5-6, 2012, to continue that tradition. We have partnered with state agencies such as the Missouri Department of Conservation, and Department of Natural Resources, and with local agencies such as Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District, and Missouri American Water. We have supported the energy conservation programs of our utility companies such as Ameren and Laclede Gas, partnered with cultural institutions such as Missouri Botanical Garden and the St. Louis Zoo, cooperated with professional organizations such as the American Planning Association, American Society of Landscape Architects and the American Society of Civil Engineers; and worked with so many others to develop the formal and informal networks necessary to strengthen our community.
“With support from the St. Louis-Jefferson Solid Waste District, our staff has built a successful Recycling on the Go program to promote recycling at public events, to reduce waste and to build public awareness about how easy it is to re-use or recycle waste. We are now developing a green restaurant program to encourage recycling, waste reduction and composting of food waste, and we are encouraged by the positive response from restauranteurs as we have begun this initiative.
“Our board has expanded and is providing the ideas, program support and personal networking necessary to continue our growth and development. Public awareness and interest is growing and is responsive to calls for individual actions to build and support St. Louis as a vital and healthy place to live and work. As I pass the gavel to Cindy Bambini, I look with pride on what we have accomplished and with great excitement on the bright future we have.”
-David Wilson, August 19, 2011