
St. Louis Earth Day Board names new President, Traci Lichtenberg

President, St. Louis Earth Day Board of Directors

President, St. Louis Earth Day Board of Directors

The St. Louis Earth Day Board of Directors is happy to announce the election of Traci Lichtenberg as their new President. Traci joined the St. Louis Earth Day Board of Directors in 2011 and has been very involved in the planning of the Earth Day Symposium for the past three years. Previously she has also held the position of Secretary of the Board and has been an active supporter of the Earth Day Festival.

Graduating from the University of Missouri – St. Louis in 2004 with a B.S. in Biology, in 2010 Traci was awarded an M.S. in Environmental Science from Southern Illinois University – Edwardsville, completing her thesis on wetland policy and water quality. Since 2004, she has worked in the Water Quality and Environmental Management Department at Missouri American Water. Traci is married with two sons and lives in South St. Louis.

Traci succeeds Cindy Bambini as Board President. Cindy has been a St. Louis Earth Day board member since 2009 and previously served as board Secretary. In addition to her leadership with St. Louis Earth Day, Cindy also serves professionally as the Director of Business Development for Brightergy, and volunteers her time with St. Louis Chapter Green Schools Policy Sub-Committee, and the Kirkwood School District Foundation.

St. Louis Earth Day is grateful to Cindy for her years of service and leadership, which have guided the organization through a period of strategic growth, while looking forward to the new perspective that Traci’s leadership promises.