Taste of St. Louis Volunteer Challenge

What’s the challenge? Organizing enough volunteers who are passionate about environmental stewardship to make Taste of St. Louis one of the largest events to compost event attendee waste in the Mid-West region. Your mission: Volunteer as an individual, a family, a group or organization to supervise a waste station at the event, which is held October 1, 2 & 3.

Never has composting been attempted at an event of this size. Diverting as much waste as possible from landfills is one of the five parts of the Taste of St. Louis EGS (Event Greening Systems). St. Louis Earth Day will be lending our experience to help make the effort as successful as possible.

*Wanna know what happened?!? Check out our October newsletter (linked here) for the low down!

Share your passion for the environment by volunteering to supervise a waste station where you will help event-goers place their waste in the correct container. Each “station” is a small area with compost bins and trash cans. There are ten of these bin groupings (or stations) which will need to be supervised. The volunteer merely helps event attendees put their waste in the correct container. All of the food service items will be compostable, so very little trash is anticipated. All recycling is going to be behind the scenes, as the drinks will be served in compostable cups.

If you are an organization that provides 10 volunteers for a shift, you are entitled to a shared 10×10 booth space for that day at the event. If your organization arranges 20 volunteers to cover an entire shift (!), a 10×10 booth space is just waiting for you at this year’s Taste! For more questions concerning group registration, email info@stlouisearthday.org, or begin the process by having your volunteers register online as individuals–be sure they mention your organization where appropriate.

Volunteer Shifts*:
4pm-7:30pm or 4:30pm-8pm
7pm-10:30pm or 7:30pm-11pm

11am-2pm or 11:30am-2:30pm
2pm-5pm or 2:30pm-5:30pm
5pm-8pm or 5:30pm-8:30pm
8pm-10:30pm or 8:30pm-11pm

11am-2:30pm or 11:30am-3pm
2:30pm-6pm or 3pm-6:30pm
6pm-8:30pm or 6:30pm-9pm
*Shifts are staggered to assist in volunteer management.

This is a massive undertaking, but that’s what makes it so exciting! Taste of St. Louis is one of the biggest events in the St. Louis area, attracting around 300,000 people over 3 days and producing 31 TONS of waste. Let’s make sure at least 70% of that is headed to the compost and recycling facilities and NOT the landfill!

A volunteer at Slow Food's Art of Food event at the Mad Art Gallery in July. This could be you!

Feeling super passionate? Help us spread the word and get as many volunteers to the event as possible. Download this pdf to share with your friends, co-workers, school and family.

CLICK HERE for Volunteer Logistics.