St. Louis Earth Day has always been a big supporter of Do It Yourself (DIY) projects and initiatives, so when our friends at the local chapter of the US Green Building Council approached us with [...]
Green Dining Alliance Launched as Local Restaurant Certification Program GDA Certifies First Restaurant: Schlafly Bottleworks On December 1st, 2011, the Green Dining Alliance (GDA) launched a new [...]
The 2011 season has been our best yet for Recycling On the Go! We were able to improve our event-greening strategies at multiple events, expand our presence to new community events, and we had a [...]
Thanks to conscientious shoppers and Whole Foods Market in Brentwood, St. Louis Earth Day has just received a $4,850.95 donation from the local grocery store chain! Shoppers who brought their own [...]
On February 8, 2011, St. Louis Earth Day held its first workshop to share information about event-greening techniques for different aspects of event logistics, and share experience from industry [...]