Creative uses for bread heels from Nature’s Own.

Each year, nearly 40% of all food in the United States goes uneaten (Science Daily), bread included! Nature’s Own, America’s #1 choice in soft-variety bread, knows the plight of the poor bread heels all too well. Bread heels are often passed over as many people reach for the center of the loaf for the softest slices, while leaving the heels behind, not considering the waste that can be deliciously repurposed.

This Earth Day, Nature’s Own is sharing uses for heels of bread including mouth-watering recipes, proving that heels are easy to use in a number of ways and delicious enough to fool even the pickiest of eaters. If you are continually finding the heels of bread left behind in empty bread bags, consider the following ways to use them rather than throwing perfectly good food away:

  • Start a frozen collection of bread heels for future uses.
  • Crouton lover? Simply cut bread heels into cubes, drizzle with olive oil and your favorite seasonings, place in oven.
  • Heels of bread are a great way to make breadcrumbs without having to go to the store — perfect for a baked chicken breading or to top off your mac and cheese for a gourmet touch.
  • Bread heels can be used to soften hard packaged sugar! Place the heel of bread in a bag or container with hardened sugar over night and reap the benefits of softened sugar in the morning. (Bread also keeps cookies soft when added to the storage container!)

These are just a few ways to keep bread heels from going to waste. But, if you have already softened your sugar, made croutons, prepared breadcrumbs and STILL have frozen bread heels in the freezer…. Try this scrumptious Nature’s Own recipe!

Gooey Peanut Butter S’More


2 heels of Nature’s Own 100% Whole Wheat Bread
2 to 3 tablespoons creamy peanut butter
½ (1.55 oz) milk chocolate bar
2 large marshmallows cut in half

  • Adjust over rack to about 8 inches from broiler unit. Preheat broiler.
  • Lightly toast bread heels in toaster. Place on small baking sheet. Cool slightly.
  • Spread Crust-sides of both bread heels evenly with peanut butter, spreading edges.
  • Place chocolate bar on 1 bread heel and marshmallow halves on other heel.
  • Broil 1 to 1-1/2 minutes just until marshmallows begin to brown. Remove from over and cool about 2 minutes before closing sandwich.
  • Enjoy! Try to avoid getting marshmallow all over face.

St. Louis Earth Day is grateful for Festival support from Nature’s Own through their presenting sponsorship. Read more about their company and bread at