Farewell from Cassie

To St. Louis Earth Day Supporters and Fans:

As you may have read earlier in the month, I am stepping down as Executive Director of St. Louis Earth Day. My departure is bittersweet in so many ways! While I am excited for the new opportunities ahead of me, I am greatly saddened by the end of my time at St. Louis Earth Day. As Program Director and then Executive Director during a time of growth and change within the organization, I have learned a tremendous amount that I will continue to draw upon in the future. The relationships built along the way – with staff, the board of directors, volunteers, and other stakeholders – have been invaluable. It is a rare pleasure to work for such an outstanding organization doing work that is fully aligned with my personal mission and values.

There are so many people to thank – those who have been a source of wisdom and guidance over the years, those who have worked so hard to support the organization and volunteered their time, those who have given generously, those who have partnered with us to extend our reach and increase our impact. I am so very grateful to the wonderful St. Louis Earth Day family!

Knowing that the organization is in good hands, with strong leadership, makes my departure a little bit easier. I have full confidence in the ability of the staff and board to continue the good work of the organization in my absence.

I won’t be far! I look forward to continuing my impact on the region as Sustainability Manager at Washington University. If you would like to keep in touch, I can be reached at chage22@wustl.edu or 314-616-7354.

Please direct future contact to Interim Director, Jen Myerscough: jen@stlouisearthday.org or 314-458-5367. For inquiries regarding our programs and events, visit our staff page for direct contact information.

Best wishes,

Cassandra P. Hage