Help us move: Our wish list.

We moved!

We’re happy and sad to report that we’ve vacated our Washington Avenue space, and are settling in at the Grand Oak Hill Community Corporation building.  We’re sad because we’ll miss our beloved office-mates, the team at Pure Power, but super excited to be in the Tower Grove South neighborhood and our terrific new space.

You can now find us at 4168 Juniata Street, Suite 4 (63116).

Our wish list.

This also means that we’re in need of a few things to help us get settled in our office and enhance our ability to implement our programs in the most effective and efficient ways possible.

If you have an interest in making a tax deductible donation please see our donate page, or contact Cassie at director[at]

If you have any of the following items which you would like to donate, please contact Jeanette at 314.536.0111 to arrange pick up or drop off. THANK YOU!

St. Louis Earth Day's Wish List

You can also download a pdf version of this list by clicking here.

Office open house.

You’re invited to check out our new office!
Tuesday, October 18th

Light refreshments will be available.
Please r.s.v.p. by 10/14 to info[at]