Puppies and Kitties and Eagles Oh My!

Animals abound at the 2016 St. Louis Earth Day Festival in Forest Park!

The World Bird Sanctuary will be bringing their mighty raptors -aka birds of prey like eagles, hawks and owls – for their Wings Over Water demonstrations to show the important relationship between birds and the ecosystems they inhabit.

MCZ Harris Hawk 2

photo from http://world-bird-sanctuary.blogspot.com

This marks the second year Nature’s Variety® Instinct® Pet Adoption Area will feature local pet shelters, including– Stray Rescue of St. Louis, Tenth Life Cat Rescue, Gateway Pet Guardians and St. Louis Senior Dog Project. Nature’s Variety® Instinct® encourages pet adoption and celebrates rescue pets through their efforts with local and national shelters as well as their cause campaign, Long Live Pets.

Photo from strayrescue.org

Photo from strayrescue.org


Photo from http://tenthlifecats.org/our-shelter

Photo from http://www.gatewaypets.com/stray-rescue/

Photo from http://www.gatewaypets.com/stray-rescue/

Photo from http://stlseniordogproject.typepad.com

Photo from http://stlseniordogproject.typepad.com

As if that wasn’t enough cuteness to handle, The Watering Bowl will be providing demonstrations for training your pooch to participate in a variety of outdoor activities!

Come ready to admire our feathered friends and snuggle our furry future companions on St. Louis Earth Day this April 24th, 2016, from 10am – 6pm in the Muny grounds of Forest Park.

Pets welcome.