Puppies and Kitties and Eagles Oh My!
Animals abound at the 2016 St. Louis Earth Day Festival in Forest Park!
The World Bird Sanctuary will be bringing their mighty raptors -aka birds of prey like eagles, hawks and owls – for their Wings Over Water demonstrations to show the important relationship between birds and the ecosystems they inhabit.

photo from http://world-bird-sanctuary.blogspot.com
This marks the second year Nature’s Variety® Instinct® Pet Adoption Area will feature local pet shelters, including– Stray Rescue of St. Louis, Tenth Life Cat Rescue, Gateway Pet Guardians and St. Louis Senior Dog Project. Nature’s Variety® Instinct® encourages pet adoption and celebrates rescue pets through their efforts with local and national shelters as well as their cause campaign, Long Live Pets.

Photo from strayrescue.org

Photo from http://tenthlifecats.org/our-shelter

Photo from http://www.gatewaypets.com/stray-rescue/

Photo from http://stlseniordogproject.typepad.com
As if that wasn’t enough cuteness to handle, The Watering Bowl will be providing demonstrations for training your pooch to participate in a variety of outdoor activities!
Come ready to admire our feathered friends and snuggle our furry future companions on St. Louis Earth Day this April 24th, 2016, from 10am – 6pm in the Muny grounds of Forest Park.
Pets welcome.