See ROG at Schlafly’s Stout & Oyster Festival

St. Louis Earth Day’s Recycling On the Go (ROG) program averages 69% diversion from landfill for event waste and we will be monitoring waste stations to ensure that all event waste is sorted for recycling or composting to keep it from the landfill. Compostable material, like food waste and oyster shells, is not sent to the landfill but are used to rebuild soil to grow more nutritious food! Last year Recycling On the Go collected 10,000 pounds of compost, nearly 8,000 pounds in shells! (Oyster shells make for a heavy load!)


Crushed oyster shells spread out over the garden beds at Schlafly Bottleworks garden

The shells will be crushed and spread onto the garden pathways at their Bottleworks location. Oyster shells are very beneficial as they add calcium and magnesium to the plants and re-mineralize the soil for many years.

The Stout & Oyster festival will be held at the Schlafly Tap Room, 2100 Locust St. (at 21st) St. Louis, MO. Two large event tents on the street with plenty of seating in the parking lot plus multiple bars will make this an event not to miss!

The festival starts at 5 pm on March 10th, and goes until 10 pm that night, with regular restaurant service until midnight in case oysters are not quite your choice.

The fun starts again on Saturday, at 11 am – 10 pm!

Stout & Oyster is Schlafly’s biggest food & beer festival with over 70,000 fresh oysters flown in from the west and east coast along with expert shuckers.

There will be a variety of oysters paired with many different styles of Schlafly stout. The festival is open to the public and does not have an entry fee, all you have to pay for is the beer and oysters.

For more information on the Stout & Oyster festival please visit Schlafly’s event page on their website!