Virtual Green Your Home Series

Green Jean Ponzi

Green-savvy home cleaning in the age of COVID-19 is serious – and workable! Why are cleaning and disinfecting different, and both important? How do you know what products clean safely as well as effectively? What about DIY cleaners? This lively talk includes resources for home, school, avoiding greenwashing, and personal care. Presented by “Green Jean” Ponzi of the EarthWays Center at Missouri Botanical Garden.

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[If the video does not start, try reloading this page right after 10 am.]

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Smarter – Greener – Cleaner with “Green Jean” Ponzi

Green-savvy home cleaning in the age of COVID-19 is serious – and workable! Why are cleaning and disinfecting different, and both important? How do you know what products clean safely as well as effectively? What about DIY cleaners? This lively talk includes resources for home, school, avoiding greenwashing, and personal care. Presented by “Green Jean” Ponzi of the EarthWays Center at Missouri Botanical Garden.

Watch the recorded video.

DIY Unpaper Towels + Reusable Disinfectant Wipes

In this virtual workshop, join Tara, the Program Director at Perennial, to learn how to transform common household textiles into handy fabric wipes. These can be used to replace the paper towels in your home, or to create reusable disinfectant wipes. We’ll also demonstrate how to make your own cleaning solution from a few simple pantry ingredients.

perennialstl logo
Unpaper Towels

Watch the recorded video.

Recycling and Reducing Your Plastic Waste

Break out of the plastic box and reduce plastic waste in your life.

Starting inside a dark kitchen cabinet, Bob Henkel, Program Director, attempts to break out of the plastic box and reduce plastic waste in our life. Take a look in your recycling cabinet to see if you are collecting the right things.

Since the original broadcast, the commodity market for #5 PP plastic containers has seen an increase more than #1 PETE and #2 HDPE plastic bottles and containers. So please, until there is another solution for plastic waste, #1, #2 and #5 plastic bottles and food containers are recycled most effectively in the St. Louis, MO region. #4 PVC, #6 PS, and #7 OTHER are best not purchased, if purchased Reused, and last resort – throw in the trash, rather than recycle them, to reduce contamination of good quality materials like: cardboard, mixed paper, food cartons/juice boxes (Tetrapak), metal and aluminum cans and glass bottles. Stick with the SIX!

We cover single-stream recycling, using reusables, and even delve into residential food composting to reduce food waste going into the landfill.

Watch the recorded video.

Living a Zero-Waste Life

Break out of routine and start to learn how to reduce waste in your life.

Watch the recorded video.

Story of PlasticaRRRe You Ready