Volunteering with Recycling on the Go!


Volunteers gather separated waste at Girls on the Run in May 2014.

Throughout the year there are numerous opportunities to volunteer your time to promote the mission of St. Louis Earth Day by assisting our staff at a variety of events served by Recycling on the Go! In order to better engage with our event volunteers, we’re trying a new process to help plug you into events that fit your interests and time. Once you have completed our online interest form, you will be emailed a link to our calendar on VolunteerSpot, where you may sign up for the events and times that fit in with your schedule and interests. Looking at the calendar, it is dizzying to think of all of the material we will divert from landfills in the coming months with the number of confirmed events we will be serving:

Food Truck Fridays
Feast in the Park
Festival of Nations
Art Outside
South Grand Fall FestivalPedal the Cause
Girls on the Run 5k

Other exciting events will be added to this list as the arrangements are confirmed by the event organizers.

Look for the final report later this year when we can demonstrate the true impact this program has had on event waste diversion throughout the year. We were fortunate to work with Pride Fest, Fair St. Louis, and others earlier in the summer.You can see the full list of events we participated in 2012 and 2013  for an idea of various opportunities throughout the year.

Did we mention that volunteering with Recycling on the Go is FUN?